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People's Story

The beauty of the people that relate to Skin Mutts is that everybody brings their own very personal story to the table, but the feelings that the stories evoke are often very recognizable and we find each other in sharing them.


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We want to put in the spotlight the stories of people's cultural identity.
Maneesh shared his experience:

"Cultural identity is something that I feel I could not always rely on. It was this distant concept that I could never really grasp as a teenager. Looking around I could see how my friends claimed heritage to clothes, land, languages and food - something that if I did felt forced and almost fake. Carving out my own cultural identity has been somewhat of a task, I still don’t really know what to say when someone asks me where I am from. The colour of my skin indicates India, but my experiences through my formative years were American. Belonging to somewhere therefore has become a challenge, because I feel I’m a cumulative of everywhere I’ve been and everything I have experienced."

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